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Xinxi Zhong

Xinxi Zhong

Operational President


Xinxi is a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, she's passionate about Computer Science and hopes to become a software or game developer. In school, she is involved in math team, bridge club, coding club, and science bowl. She is also a TA for her computer science teacher. Outside of school, she explores her interests (in STEM and other paths) through FuSSO, the Digital Imagination game design program, interning at the Chinese American Museum, and as a video editor for her favorite shows!

Service Hours:




Major Accomplishments at FuSSO

1. President of FuSSO for 2024
2. Connect a community of 2500+ members interested in STEM
3. Guide the process of advanced programs, basic programs, and staff departments through biweekly meetings
4. Lead the Fu-Edu Advanced Program, hosted 20+ academic debates, seminars, and the creation of self-paced courses
5. Improved Search Engine Optimization(SEO), doubling the number of impressions of the website within 2 weeks
6. Edited videos of the organization's events, published on the website, along with regularly updated content(articles, news, team members, etc)
7. Held FuSSO's semi-annual meeting to the public, noting our accomplishments and programs

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