
Animal eyes have evolved over time to keep up with the demands of each species' particular habitat for survival. Eyes and the vision they produce are unique to each species; what works well for one animal may not work well for another.
Only a few species perceive the world like humans do, whereas the others see it via one or many eyes and in multi colors or in black/white.
The majority of species rely on eyes to sense light and translate it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. In conscious vision, the simplest photoreceptor cells link movement to light. For organisms with more sophisticated vision systems, light gathered from the environment was focused through a movable lens assembly to create an image. After that, the image was converted into a series of electrical signals and sent to the brain via intricate cerebral networks. Here are some creatures with the finest and poorest vision.
Owl has without a doubt the clearest night vision in the forest. Depending on the species, the huge eye accounts for one to five percent of the owls' body weight. Many individuals are aware that the eye that faces forward has a "smart appearance," but more importantly, it offers a wide range of "binocular" vision, which is the ability to perceive an object with both eyes open.
Owls have a higher number of rods and fewer cones, therefore in exchange for color vision, they have acute eyesight at night when there is no light.
Despite having exceptional night vision, owls are not completely blind in bright light. Since their pupils may be adjusted widely, the proper amount of light can strike the retina. In bright light, certain owl species can actually see more clearly than people.

Eagles are renowned for having extraordinary eyesight; practically all of them have visual acuity that is much above that of the other animals. While flying 650 feet above the ground, many are able to see their prey and identify the movements from a distance of 2 miles.
An eagle's eyes are densely packed with sensory cells that detect light and pictures and then prepare this information for interpretation by the bird's central nervous system. On average, a million light-sensitive sensory cells are present in each square millimeter of the retina. This is five times what an ordinary human would have. The two fovea, funnel-shaped regions of the retina where received images are clearest. Both are situated in the retina's central region.
In addition, the second fovea only analyzes pictures arriving from the eagle's visual field's periphery. This helps the eagle process sideways-sight sensory pictures more effectively.
Bats utilize echolocation to hunt in the dark, which involves exploiting the reflections of their own sounds off other things to guide them. Bats are not blind, contrary to popular misconception. Although far from worthless, a bat's eyes are adjusted to low light levels to help them find prey more effectively, and their exceptional hearing power further improves this ability.
When the Cambrian Explosion occurred approximately 600 million years ago, the earliest animal species had primitive eyes. The molecular apparatus required for vision was present in the last common ancestor of animals, and 96% of animal species have acquired more sophisticated eyes.
When light enters the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs, it is projected onto the retina, a layer of photoreceptor cells at the back of the eye. The retina's cones and rods both detect light and turn it into brain signals that are used for vision. The rods held responsible for low-light contrast while cones analyze the color. The optic nerve then delivers visual impulses to the brain. The muscles around the iris can be relaxed or tightened to alter the pupil's size, which controls how much light enters the eye and lessens aberrations under excellent lighting.