Domestic violence occurs all over the world, in different cultures, or among people of different social and economic status. However, studies have shown that indicators of lower socioeconomic status, such as unemployment and low income, are risk factors for higher rates of domestic violence. In the United States, women report six times the rate of intimate partner violence as men, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. This suggests that men are much less likely to be victimized in these situations.

High-risk areas:
The fight against widespread domestic violence in Kashmir has brought Hindu and Muslim activists together, survey data shows. According to some Islamic clerics and women's advocates, women from Muslim-majority cultures often face additional pressure to submit to domestic violence because their husbands may manipulate Islamic law to exert control. And, 80 percent of women in rural Egypt said domestic violence was common and often justified, especially when women refused to have sex with their husbands. In some communities in Lagos State, Nigeria, as many as two-thirds of women say they have been victims of domestic violence.
Reasons behind:
This means that there are different legal protections for women around the world, men may not be punished, and it is a reasonable family behavior. Studies have shown that women in some rural or remote areas rely mainly on men. For example, male perpetrators restrict female victims from seeing friends and family members, deny them money, and restrict them from going out to take transportation. They exert control. In this way, they achieve the goal of leaving the victim isolated and at the same time making it more difficult for them to resist. And many victims feel embarrassed or ashamed of the violence they experienced. They may worry that if they decide to end the abusive relationship, it will be known and they will run the risk of being judged and treated differently.

Desmarais, Sara L. Reeves, Kim A. Nicholls, Tonia L. Telford, Robin P. Fiebert, Martin S. "Prevalence of Physical Violence in Intimate Relationships, Part 1: Rates of Male and Female Victimization." Partner Abuse, Volume 3, Number 2, 2012.
Stats for 2000 "Figure 4-2 Percentage of Victims by Type of Perpetrator, 2000 (DCDC, Child File)" .
"National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report"
Constable, Pamela. "For Some Muslim Wives, Abuse Knows No Borders." The Washington Post (May 8, 2007)